Study MBBS in Ukraine – Future Overseas Studies

Kyiv Medical University of UAFM

Duration of Medicine Course- 6 Years
Tuition Fee- 3500 USD $ / Year
Accommodation- 900-1200$ / Year (from Academic Session September to June)

Kyiv medical university of UAFM is a Ukrainian higher learning institution established in 1992, the university has trained over 10000 health personnel -mainly general practitioner, dentist and pharmacists. As of august 2015, about 1200 foreign students study at KMU. As a university with the highest level of accreditation by the ministry of education and science of Ukraine, all degrees issued to foreign students are dully legalized and approved by ( Kyiv medical university (KMU) is recognized and listed in all relevant international directories of medical universities such as the international medical education directory (IMED).

This mean graduates are eligible to write the United state medical licensing examination (USMLE) and means certificate are recognized by the education commission for foreign medical graduate (ECFMG) in US and the medical council of Canada (MCC) for eligibility of graduates to obtain certification and licensure hence may pursue residency and postgraduate programs in these countries. The university is also registered in the AVICENNA Directory which is maintained by the university of Copenhagen in collaboration with the World Health organization and in the World federation for medical education (WFME) meaning KMU is fully recognized by the WHO all governments. The university’s foundation for advancement of international medical education and research (FAIMER) School ID is F0002349.

Why to Join Kyiv Medical University of UAFM

Leading in Quality Education and Research. Our foremost mission is to provide a world class education to our students. We have highly experienced teaching staff which provide research -intense and interactive premises to the students.

Career Opportunities and Guidance

Our main aim is to make our students excellent and confident in their medical prospect. Our guidance motivates students to carve out their talents which help them in their work placements.
Provide rich and interactive social environments.
We present you a supportive social student’s community and clubs which help you grow in an environment that is nurtured with skills.

Provide Professional Support

We ensure for our quality of education by supporting those students who fail to perform, through special advice and guidance on their study. We have special attention for physically challenged impaired students.

Kiev Medical University Recognized by Various Councils

Medical Council of India (MCI)
European Council of Medicine
Nigeria Dental & Medical Council
Pakistan Medical & Dental Council
General Medicine Council of UK etc.
It has joint research and partnership relation with many scientific institution of the former USSR and all over the world, such as Poland medical academy, center of control and prophylaxis of disease of department of health protection ( CDC,USA ) the Southern Kazakhstan scientific and practical conference with international participation and contract with KNUROW SLASK Hospital, Poland about organization of medical practice for students in 4th and 5th courses of medical faculty of KMU.

International Cooperation

International department of the Kiev medical university of UAFM establishes and develops international relations and international cooperation in the field of medical research with universities, educational institution, foreign citizen , research institution , international organization, foundation and others.

The university organized following events with a motive to give boost to international relations and tie-ups
1. Nyon (Switzerland) – Vitkovska S.V. (Acting Dean of the Faculty of dentistry)
2. Karlsruhe (Germany) – Senchuk A.Y. (MD, professor, head of department of obstetrics and gynecology)
3. Tokyo (Japan)- Politun (MD professor, head of dentistry)
apart from above activities Kiev medical university of UAFM also finished project initiated by the government of the united state ( CDC-Ukraine )together with global program on AIDS in Ukraine and Russia ,along with center for disease control and prevention department of health (CDC). the other partner involved were, Vestat -Westat (USA), university Brandeyz-Brandeis universities ( USA), ICF International HIV/AIDS Alliance in Ukraine.
4. Montreux (Switzerland) – Harnik T.P. (MD, Professor, Head of herbal medicine, homeopathy, medicine bioenerhoinformatsiynoyi) – participationed presentation of reports on”status of traditional medicine in Ukraine ” in international forum.
5. Zagreb ( Croatia )- Skrypnyk Z.D. ( vice rector , Head of normal physiology , biophysics, medical biology and biochemistry )- participation in scientific seminar.
6. Macau (China) – Pokanevych Alexander V. (President of KMU UAFM) – participated in the second inter-regional seminar WHO registration and licensing practices of folk and alternative medicine.

Accreditation and Licensing

The Kyiv medical university of UAFM is accredited by the Ministry of education and science of Ukraine with the highest level of accreditation for a higher educational institute in Ukraine.
KMU has the license from the Ministry of education and science, youth and sport of Ukraine, series, AE No 527695 according to decision from state accreditation commission, dated 23.12.2014 , certifies the right of the Kyiv medical university to implement the educational activity in the following area of knowledge and specialties of training.

Graduation Courses
• General Medicine
• Dentistry
• Pharmacy

Post Graduation Courses
• General Medicine
• Dentistry
• Primary post graduate training (internship)
• Training foreign citizen for internship
• Training foreign citizen for a basic speciality

We are enriched with expertise faculties and teaching staff who are very much interactive with students, presently KMU has 165 staff member which includes 97 associates professor, 37 doctors of medicine, 7 honoured doctor of Ukraine

University have been recognized and highly appreciated. Scientific activity of the university was generally recognized all over the world thus, a number of monographs by the institute scientists were translated into foreign languages and some editions were prepared and published in the co-authorship with foreign scientists. University maintains many sided relations with higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the leading scientists of the institute successively combine their research work with other multiple activities. The results of scientific researches of the university have been recognized and highly appreciated. Most scientists of the institute were honoured with the title of laureates of the State prizes in medical sciences using long term experiences of educational and scientific activity, the university academics aim their efforts at increasing achievements to approach world educational standards .it also concerns the expansion and improvements of the materials and technical basic of education and research processes into higher educational establishment of the next millennium it makes it possible for the university to train specialist with profound professional knowledge ,to face the future with confidence.


To ensure comfortable living conditions and self-service there are:
• Laundry;
• Buffet;
• Reading room with free Internet (Wi-Fi);
• Assembly Hall;
• Men’s and women’s showers;
• On each floor 2 kitchens, 2 washrooms, 6 toilets.

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